"ms. a after i go pee pee do you think we can talk about what animals eat?" who would have thought that this line would turn out to be the highlight of my day? despite the self doubt, the stress, the exhaustion and the recurring dream of being swallowed up by a huge wave i can truly say that this is what i want to do for the rest of my life. it is amazing to think that it has been only a year since i turned my back on cubicles, copiers, toners, lunch meetings, overtime, time sheets, work shirts, pumps and packed lunches yet it feels like it was a lifetime ago. have you ever had a dream so vivid that you actually find yourself saying that a dream this vivid i surely will not forget but then the minute you open your eyes all you have left are hazy images? well it is kind of like that.
i am rediscovering pete yorn, oh to be 22 again...
"Calls him every day, He took a kind of vacation, Was heading for something, Won’t leave her alone
sleep better, pete yorn